Nokia Asha 303 is now available in India for under Rs. 8,500. This light weight touch and type handset comes loaded with a 1 GHz processor and running on the S40 platform. The main highlight is the 3.2 MP camera, 3G support and excellent battery standby time of up to 30 days.

The Asha 303 is slim, fast and stylish available in Graphite and Red colours. The touchscreen and QWERTY keypad is a good combination for those who text a lot, especially for users who use Facebook and Twitter.

Nokia Asha 303 features

The Asha handset weighs 99 grams with a 13.9 mm thickness. The Asha 303 comes with 170 MB internal memory of which 100 MB can be used by the user. 100 MB space may be too less and hence you can make use of the microSD card slot to add up to 32 GB of extra storage. The 2.6 inch capacitive touch screen is smooth and supports QVGA resolution of 320 by 240 pixels.

This handset makes use of the S40 OS, I know most users like the android system, but even on this S40 OS you can run apps like Facebook, ZengaTV, Shazaam apps and you can even play Angry Birds. The 303 comes with 3.2 MP EDOF camera – without LED flash. You can record videos.

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Nokia Asha 303 QWERTY S40 phone features and price in India
Nokia Asha 303

Other features are multi format media player, FM stereo radio, 3G, EDGE, GPRS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and high speed USB. This handset does not come with built in GPS. The Nokia 1300 mAh BP-3L battery gives a talktime of up to 8 to 10 hours and a standby time of up to 30 to 35 days.

Nokia Asha 303 price in India is Rs. 7,500 with 1 year warranty.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -