Motorola has launched the Moto Z2 Force in India, this handset comes with shatter proof display and price in India is Rs. 34,999 with Moto TurboPower Pack Mod. Excellent handset for those looking for a tougher handset.

Moto Z2 Force specifications

This is qualcomm snapdragon 835 octa core powered coupled with Adreno 540 GPU. Screen is shatter proof using ShatterShield technology, plus its Quad HD resolution AMOLED POLED display (2560 x 1440 pixels), and screen size if 5.5 inches.

Android Oreo runs out of the box with 6GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage space. This is a dual SIM handset using Hybrid slot. Micro SD card of up to 2TB can be used. Handset is pretty light weight at 143 grams and thickness is 6.1mm.

Moto Z2 Force launched in India

The front camera is a 5MP shooter with f/2.2 aperture and also comes with dual tone LED flash. Rear camera is 12MP + 12MP using SONY IMX 386 sensors, f/2.0 aperture, laser AF and can shoot 4K videos. The rear camera also comes with dual tone LED flash support.

Other features are finger print sensor on the front, water repellent nano coating, front speakers, 3 microphones, 4G, VoLTE, GPS, Bluetooth 5.0, Dual Band Wi-Fi, NFC and USB Type C port. This handset comes with 2730 mAh battery with Turbo charging support.

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This Moto Z2 Force will go on sale on Flipkart tonight at 00:00 hours for Rs. 34,999 you also get TurboPower Pack Mod for 3490 mAh capacity, which means attach the mod to the Z2 Force you get 2730 + 3490 mAh battery juice.

Full review coming up today 8 or 9 PM today.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -