Motorola at a press event in Delhi, today launched the Moto X Play in India. This handset is powered by Snapdragon 615 octa core processor and the key attraction is the 21 MP AF camera on the rear. This handset is priced at ₹18,499.

Moto X Play is using Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 MSM8939 octa core processor making use to 2x quad core clocked at 1.7GHz. This with Adreno 405 GPU. There is on-board 2GB RAM. Optional 16/32GB of internal storage. The micro SD card in turn supports 128GB micro SD cards. Android Lollipop (5.1.1) runs out of the box over a 5.5 inch with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. Screen comes with Gorilla Glass 3 protection.

The X Play comes with dual SIM support. The key highlight is the 21MP AF camera on the rear with dual tone LED flash and a 5MP camera on the front of better selfies. Key features are 4G, 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and also NFC. The X Play gets power from a 3630 mAh battery.

Moto X Play launched in India

There are two things that make the Moto X exciting is the battery with turbo power charging (up to 8 hours of usage in just about 15 minutes of charging) and the 21MP camera.

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The Moto X Play is priced at ₹18,499 and it will be available exclusively on Flipkart.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -