Motorola launched the Moto M handset in India and the same will go on sale (first open sale) exclusively on Flipkart starting midnight. The M is MediaTek Helio P15 powered handset priced at Rs. 15,999 with 3GB RAM/32GB ROM and for Rs. 17,999 with 4GB RAM/64GB ROM.

Both the 32GB ROM and 64GB ROM versions will be made available on Flipkart. These Moto M variants will be available within few minutes. EMI options are available and Axis Bank Buzz Credit Card holders can get extra 5% off.

Moto M comes with a 5.5 inch IPS LCD screen with 10 point multi touch and supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. Handset is using MTK Helio P15 64 bit octa core processor clocked at 2.2GHz with Mali T860 MP2 GPU.

Moto M metal body

This is a dual SIM handset is using Hybrid slot and sails on Android Marshmallow 6.0.1. Primary camera is 16MP with PDAF, auto HDR, LED flash and f/2.0 aperture. Front camera is fixed focus with an 8MP resolution. Key features are 4G LTE, VoLTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, BT 4.1, finger print sensor and USB Type C port.

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Moto M 16MP primary camera and finger print sensor

There is 3050 mAh non-removable battery, talking about the battery performance it should easily last for over 1 to 2 day with mixed usage and up to 1 day with moderate usage.

Moto M USB Type C port Moto M audio jack

Moto M sale will be available on Flipkart starting midnight from Rs. 15,999.

Moto M first open sale starts midnight