The Moto G5 Plus was launched in India today. This handset will be available exclusively on Flipkart. This smartphone supports 4G with VoLTE and houses a Snapdrgaon625 octa core processor, 12MP camera and a 3000 mAh battery.

Moto G5 Plus features and specifications

The G5 Plus is using qualcomm snapdragon 625 octa core processor and will come with 3GB/4GB RAM and 16GB/32GB ROM. Moto G5 Plus features a 5.2 inch screen protected with Gorilla Glass 3 protection and supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution.

Android Nougat 7.0 runs out of the box. The G5 Plus also comes with a 12MP primary dual auto focus pixel camera (f/1.7 aperture) on the back with flash support and front camera can shoot in 5MP resolution. Other common features are dual SIM, separate micro SD card slot, 4G LTE, VoLTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. This handset also comes with a finger print sensor.

Moto G5 Plus launched in India

Moto G5 Plus gets power from a 3000 mAh battery. It will be available on Flipkart for Rs. 14,999 onwards.

Moto G5 Plus 3GB/16GB = Rs. 14,999
Moto G5 Plus 4GB/32GB = Rs. 16,999

See also  Coolpad Cool 1 with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM listed for Rs. 10999

With exciting Launch day offer on Flipkart sales begins tonight.

What do you think about the price?

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -