After launched Moto G5 Plus, Motorola launched the Moto G5 in Indian markets for Rs. 11,999. The G5 is a Snapdragon 430 octa core powered handset and will be available (midnight) on, with Rs. 1,000 cashback for Prime Members using Amazon Pay.

Moto G5 sails on Android Nougat 7.0 and weight with battery is 144 grams. This handset houses the qualcomm snapdragon 430 octa core chipset clocked at 1.4GHz. This is a dual SIM handset packed with 3GB RAM, 16GB ROM and 128GB micro SD card support. Do note, like the Moto G5 Plus the Moto G5 also comes with a dedicated micro SD card slot.

Moto G sports a 5 inch IPS LCD screen supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution.  A 13MP PDAF camera with a f/2.0 aperture is packed on the back and a 5MP camera with f/2.2 aperture is on the front.

Moto G5 launched in India

Other features are 4G VoLTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi (dual band), GPS, Finger Print Sensor, Gyro sensor and water repellent nano coating. A 2800 mAh battery powers up this handset – rapid charging is supported and the Moto G5 Box pack does come with a 10W rapid charger.

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Moto G5 is available for Rs. 11,999 in Gray and Gold color options on Amazon.