The Moto E4 was silently launched in India and it already hit the offline stores. And now the company is getting ready to launch the Moto E4 Plus in India. Motorola has already sent out invites for the launch event, happening on 12th of July 2017.

Moto E4 Plus Specifications are already known the only specs that we do not know for now is the price (GST inclusive). This is dual SIM handset running Android Nougat out of the box. The specs are good but what you need to know is that this is a quad core powered handset using MediaTek processor. Performance will be decent and battery life should be really good.

This Moto E4 Plus does come with a finger print sensor that is placed on the front. Handset supports 4G with VoLTE and features a 5.5 inch screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution, and yes it is using 2.5D curved glass.

Motorola Moto E4 plus unveiling on 12th July

Rear camera is 13MP and front camera is 5MP. Big highlight is the 5000 mAh non-removable battery. RAM / ROM – 2/3GB and 16/32GB we will have to wait for the official price tag.

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Stay tuned for the Moto E4 Plus coming soon.

By Sunil V