Motorola launched Moto C and now gearing up to launch Moto C Plus in India. There are few differences and no doubt Moto C Plus is better. Here is the Moto C vs Moto C Plus comparison that will help you decide which one is the best.

Well there are better options available in the market but if you are keen in buying among these then check the comparison below. Both these handsets are powered by same processor i.e. MediaTek MT6737 with Mali T720 GPU.

They both run Android Nougat and come with 16GB storage and a 5 inch screen.  Screen resolution is different Moto C is with 854 x 480 pixels resolution and the Moto C Plus will be using 1280 x 720 pixels resolution.  RAM on the C Plus will most likely be 2GB as compared to 1GB on Moto C.

Moto C vs Moto C Plus comparison

The other differences are with camera and battery – Moto C comes with 5MP / 2MP camera and 2350 mAh battery whereas the Moto C Plus comes with 8MP / 2MP and with a 4000 mAh battery. The price of Moto C is Rs. 5,999 but the Moto C Plus price has not yet been  unveiled, it will be on 19th June.

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Looking at the specs the C Plus is no doubt better, lets hope the price is good.

Moto C Plus vs Moto C Comparison

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