Micromax India has launched the Q35 QWERTY mobile phone with dual SIM feature (GSM+CDMA). This mobile phone is perfect for Indian users who are looking for CDMA as well as GSM services. The Micromax Q35 is a candy bar type phone for a price less than Rs. 3,500 with features such as Audio / Video player, Camera, Bluetooth and Java enabled. The Q35 dual SIM phone is available in all leading stores in India.

Micromax Q35 GSM + CDMA features

Unlike other GSM + GSM handset with Q35 you can use a GSM network like Airtel, Vodafone along with CDMA network like Reliance, Tata Indicom etc. The phone is light weight at 106 grams with dimensions 111x58x13mm.  The TFT screen size is 5.5 cms with resolution of 240 by 320 pixels.

The Micromax Q35 Dual SIM Dual Standby phone does have a primary camera that can also record videos. The resolution is VGA, which is not so great. This mobile phone comes preloaded with music player and video player.  The Q35 video player can play MP4 and 3GP files.

Micromax Q35 Dual SIM QWERTY (GSM / CDMA with Dual Standby) Price in India
Micromax Q35 Dual SIM QWERTY (GSM / CDMA with Dual Standby) Price in India

Even though the Q35 from Micromax does have a QWERTY keyboard it is of no use. The reason being this is not a 3G phone; however it does support GPRS/WAP and MMS. Also am not sure if Social networking is supported.

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The Q35 Handset supports expandable memory of up to 8 GB. Other features are that it supports Java, comes with some pre-loaded Games and built in FM radio.

The Micromax Q35 comes with a 1050 mAh Li-ion battery that gives a talktime of up to 3.5 hours on CDMA and 4.5 hours on GSM networks. You can expect a standby time of approx 7 days on CDMA and 9 days on GSM networks.

Micromax Q35 price and box pack

Current price: Rs. 3332 | Bargain: Rs. 3000
The box pack contains: Handset, Standard battery and charger, Handsfree, USB cable, Warranty card and service (Manual) Guide.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in