Micromax, Spice and Karbonn all these brands will launch the Android One on 15th September at 3:30 PM in India. Spice in fact had listed the Android One on Flipkart, yesterday, but the link was removed shortly afterwards.

The Android One as you all know is created by Google and expected to be a low cost smartphone. The Spice Android One specs as listed on Flipkart seems to be using the MediaTek Chipset running Android 4.4.4.

We will have to see what each of these brands will come up with, their handset specifications and their price. Spice already revealed the price at Rs. 6,999. Micromax will be selling via Amazon.in, Spice via Flipkart.com and Karbonn via Snapdeal.com. Three Android One models will be available simultaneously at 3:30PM on 15th September.

Amazon has posted the same on their Facebook page, however they have not revealed the images / specs. There are two possibilities all 3 handsets may be same design / specs in that case people will go with the brand / price and the second possibility is that each may come up with different specs and the price will vary according – in this case the best specs with the best price will win. Stay tuned for more on 15th

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Amazon Micromax Android One launching tomorrow



By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in