Micromax launched two new handsets in the Bharat series called the Micromax Bharat 3 and Micromax Bharat 4. The Bharat 3 is priced at Rs. 4,499 and the Bharat 4 comes for Rs. 4,999. Both handsets supports VoLTE and are powered by MediaTek qaud core processor.

Micromax Bharat 3

This handset the Bharat 3, Model Q437 is using MT6737 quad core processor from MediaTek with Mali T720 GPU. Screen is 4.5 inches with FWVGA i.e. 854 x 480 pixels resolution. Android 7 runs out of the box with 1GB RAM and 8GB ROM, plus 32GB micro SD support.

Rear camera is a 5MP shooter and the front camera is also a 5MP shooter. Both rear and front cameras come with LED flash support. Key features are 4G, VoLTE, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. A 2000 mAh battery powers this handset.

Micromax Bharat 3 launched

Micromax Bharat 4

This handset model no Q440 is also MT6737 quad core powered (MediaTek chipset). Android 7.0 runs the show over a 5 inch screen with 2.5D curved glass and with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution (HD).

Micromax Bharat 4 comes with 1GB RAM, 16GB ROM, 32GB micro SD support, 5MP rear / 5MP front cameras and with dual SIM support. Key features are 4G VoLTE, GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The Bharat 4 houses a 2500 mAh battery.

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Micromax Bharat 4 launched

There is a little price difference Micromax Bharat 3 is for Rs. 4,499 and the Micromax Bharat 4 is for Rs. 4,999.