The Mi Max 2 that was launched in India, will go on sale today on multiple platforms. This is a big handset with everything big except the price of Rs. 16,999. This is not for everyone but for those who want a better option between a tablet and a phone.

To know more about the Mi Max 2 check the Max 2 review. This handset features a big screen of 6.44 inches with full HD resolution. It packed a 5300 mAh battery that last really long considering the overall handset size.

There is a good 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM, plus you can use the Hybrid SIM slot to add more storage via external micro SD support. Inside the hood the Mi Max 2 is using Snapdragon 625 octa core processor that is power efficient and powerful.

Mi Max 2 sale at 10AM today

The rear camera is 12MP using SONY IMX386 sensor that does an excellent job (in Manual Mode), in auto mode the camera quality is excellent in good light but in low light it is decent, shifting to manual will really make a huge difference.

This is a good option and those who already bought the Mi Max can think of upgrading. Mi Max 2 will go on sale today for Rs. 16,999.

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You can buy this from Amazon, Flipkart and Mi India website. Sale starts at 10AM.