LG today launched the LG X Screen smartphone in India, that will be available exclusively on Snapdeal.com. The X Screen handset is priced at Rs. 12,990. Key attraction is, this handset comes with dual screen, the 2nd screen supports always on.

LG X Screen features and specifications

Hardware, OS and Display

The LG X Screen is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 quad core processor coupled with Adreno 306 GPU. Android Marshmallow runs the show over a 4.9 inch IPS screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. The second display is of 1.7 inch supporting 520 x 80 pixels, and this is an always on display.

Memory and Storage

There is 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM and micro SD card support too. Users will get around 11 GB free space.


The primary camera is of 13MP resolution, its auto focus with LED flash support. Front facing camera is of 8MP resolution, front camera is fixed focus. Primary camera can record FHD videos.

LG X Screen launched for Rs. 12,990

Other features

This is a dual SIM Handset supports 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, FM radio and Bluetooth. 9 Indian regional languages are supported. Sensors : Accelerometer, light, proximity and magnetic. X Screen weight is 120 grams and thickness is 7.1mm.

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The 2300 mAh battery as per the company gives up to 9 hours of talk time on a full charge.

LG X Screen price in India

Handset is listed on Snapdeal for Rs. 12,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in