LG today launched their latest LG X Cam smartphone in India. The X Cam comes with dual cameras packed on the back to capture 53% more area that traditional smartphone cameras. This handset is powered by octa core processor and price in India is Rs. 19,990.

LG X Cam Key features and specifications

This dual SIM smartphone is running Android Marshmallow 6.0 out of the box over a 5.2 inch screen with in-cell display supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. It is powered by octa core processor clocked at 1.14GHz coupled with Mali T720 GPU.

Handset is light weight at around 120 grams and thickness is 6.9mm. There is 2GB on board RAM and 16GB of internal storage space. Micro SD card can also be used. When it comes to the camera the LG X Cam comes with a 13MP camera on the back and a 5MP camera too with wide angle lens with flash.

LG X Cam launched in India

The basic idea behind having a 13 MP (standard) + 5MP (Wide angle) cameras is to capture wider view as seen by a human eye. There is pop out feature too that combines two images creating picture in a frame type effect. Front facing camera is of 8MP resolution.

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LG X Cam dual cameras on the back with flash

Other features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS with GLONASS, WiFi and Bluetooth 4.2. LG X Cam gets power from a 2520 mAh battery.

LG X Cam price in India

The LG X Cam will be available for Rs. 19,990 in Titan Silver colour options.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in