This 3 inch smartphone the LG Optimus L1 II was first unveiled in August this year. The handset is now available in India for Rs. 6,499. L1 II is low budget smartphone running Android 4.2 over a 3 inch with QVGA resolution.

This dual SIM Optimus L1 II may not excite many as there are better handsets with dual core power and around the same price. The L1 II however does come with SIM switching hot key. The IPS 3 inch screen is with 320×240 pixels resolution. Android 4.2 runs on this handset with 512MB RAM and 4Gigs of storage.

The handset comes loaded with qualcomm snapdragon single core processor (cortex A5) with Adreno 200 GPU. There is a single primary camera of 3MP resolution without LED flash placed on the rear. VGA video recording is supported.

Dual SIM, Single core LG Optimus L1 II

The handset does support 3G (7.2Mbps), 2G (EDGE) and comes with Wi-Fi (b/g/n), Bluetooth 3.0 with A2DP and GPS with A-GPS. There is an accelerometer and proximity sensor. The removable Li-ion battery of 1540 mAh capacity gives a talk-time of up to 4 hours on a full charge.

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The LG Optimus L1 II (dual SIM) is available on HomeShop18 for Rs. 6,499.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -