LG today launched the LG G4 dual SIM with dual LTE support (both SIM slots support 4G) in India for Rs. 51,000. The G4 with 32GB is already available online for Rs. 47,685 – however that is with GSM + LTE support (only one SIM supports 4G) and the new one launched today is with LTE+ LTE support.

LG G4 is LG’s latest flagship model that houses the 1.8GHz qualcomm snapdragon 808 HEXA core 64 bit processor (dual core cortex A57 + quad core A53) coupled with Adreno 418 GPU. Android 5.1 sails out of the box (with UX 4.0 UI) with 3GB on-board RAM and 32GB ROM + there is micro SD card slot to add more storage.

G4 is 9.8 mm thick and like the other LG G series handsets the buttons are placed on the rear. This handset sports a 5.5 inch screen with 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution. A 16MP AF camera with OIS and f/1.8 aperture lens is packed on the rear along with LED flash. The camera is using laser focus for fast and accurate focusing. There is a front camera too of 8MP resolution with f/2.0 aperture.

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LG G4 dual SIM dual LTE smartphone launched

Key features are 4G, 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC and Bluetooth. The G4 gets power from a 3000 mAh battery.

LG G4 though already available online / offline, this new G4 with dual SIM / dual LTE support will be available soon for Rs. 51,000.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in