Lenovo has launched the Lenovo A390, A706, P780, S920, S820 and K900 in India. The handsets are priced starting from Rs. 8,500 up to Rs. 33,000. The Lenovo A390 is the cheapest version for Rs. 8,689 and the K900 is the costliest of the lot at a price tag of Rs. 32,999.

Some of the handsets are dual core while some are powered by quad core processor.  All these handsets come with common features like Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and 3G. There are 4 series A = Affordable, P= Professional, S=Stylish and K= for speed.

Lenovo A390
This is a 4 inch handset with 800×480 pixels resolution. It runs on the ICS OS with 512MB RAM and 4GB internal storage. The handset is powered by MTK6511 dual core chipset clocked at 1GHz. In addition there is a 5MP rear camera and a 1400 mAh battery. The Lenovo A390 carries a price tag of Rs. 8,689.

Lenovo A706
This one is with a 1.2GHz quad core processor from Qualcomm running Jelly Bean 4.1 with 1GB RAM and 4GB internal storage. The IPS screen is 4.5 inches with 854×480 pixels resolution. There are dual cameras a front VGA and a rear 5MP. Battery is of 2000 mAh capacity. A706 is priced at Rs. 15,949.

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Lenovo S820
This is a1.2GHz quad core handset of MediaTek make (MT6589) with a 4.7 inch IPS HD screen running Jelly Bean 4.2 on 1GB RAM and 4GB internal storage. This handset comes with 12MP rear camera and a front 2MP VGA camera. The battery is 2000 mAh and the price is 19,599.

Lenovo P780
Lenovo P780 is also a MediaTek quad core (MT6589) powered handset but with 5 inch IPS HD screen. The RAM is 1GB and internal storage is 4GB. This handset runs on Jelly Bean 4.2 OS and comes with 8MP rear camera and a front VGA camera. The battery is of 4000 mAh capacity and the price is Rs. 22,529.

Lenovo S920
S920 is powered by 1.2GHz MT6589 quad core processor running Android 4.2 with 1GB RAM and 4GB internal storage. There is 8MP rear camera and 2MP front camera. The screen is 5.3 inches, IPS with HD resolution.  This handset comes with 2250 mAh battery and carries a price tag of Rs. 26,399.

Lenovo K900
This is a 5.5 inch Phablet powered by Intel CloverTrail+ dual core processor clocked at 2GHz. This handset runs on the Android 4.2 OS with 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage. The screen is IPS with full HD resolution (1080×1920 pixels). The rear camera is 13MP resolution and front is of 2MP resolution. It is an ultra thin handset with a 6.9mm thickness but not as a light weight at 162 grams.  Lenovo K900 comes for a price of Rs. 32,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in