Lenovo recently launched the K4 Note in India for ₹11,998. The K4 Note is powered by MediaTek 64 Bit octa core processor and sports a 5.5 inch screen with FHD resolution. The hardware is not new; in fact there are other handsets using the same chipset and  Infocus had already launched the Infocus M680 that is packed with almost the same specifications.

Both the Infocus M680 and the Lenovo K4 Note is powered by MediaTek MT6753 64 bit octa core processor clocked at 1.3GHz. Screen is 5.5 inches with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. When it comes to the RAM the M680 is using 2GB RAM and K4 Note is with 3GB RAM. Internal storage is the same 16GB on both these handsets.

M680 comes with 13MP camera on the rear and 13MP camera on the front (both auto focus). K4 Note is with 13MP AF camera on the rear and 5MP on the front. M680 houses a 2600 mAh battery whereas the K4 note is with 3300 mAh battery.

Lenovo K4 Note and Infocus M680

Other unique features on the K4 Note is Dolby ATMOS, NFC, 3 microphone, dual speakers and finger print scanner.

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K4 Note is priced at ₹11,998 and the Infocus M680 is priced at ₹10,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in