LeEco launched a new handset that comes with the made for India tag, called the Le 1s Eco. This handset will support 10 regional Indian languages. Eco is priced at Rs. 10,899 but will be available for Rs. 9,999 (introductory offer) on Flipkart on 12th of May 2016 at 2PM.

This new LeEco Le 1s Eco is powered by MediaTek Helio X10 octa core processor clocked at 1.8GHz and is running Android Lollipop 5.0.2 with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. The display is 5.5 inches supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution and protected with corning gorilla glass 3.

A 13MP AF camera is packed on the rear with LED flash support and on the front there is a 5MP fixed focus camera. Both front and rear camera comes with f/2.0 aperture. Other features are 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.1, Dolby, DTS and finger print sensor.

LeEco Le 1s Eco launched

This dual SIM handset gets power from a 3000 mAh non-removable battery. This is exactly the LeEco Le 1s handset with the ‘Eco’.  But this Le 1s Eco will come with 10 Indian language support, will support 100+ channels (live) via YuppTV, 2000+ movies via Eros Now, access to 3.5million audio track via Hungama Music, live concerts and access to LeEco Drive around 5TB of storage space.

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The package is free for one year, other LeEco users can subscribe to LeEco membership for Rs. 490 per month or get one year subscription for Rs. 4900.

LeEco Le 1s Eco flash sale is on 12th May at 2PM about 1,00,000 units will be made available.

Check the review of Le 1S Eco (it’s actually the Le 1s without the Eco!…)

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in