Lava Mobiles have now launched three new smartphones called the Lava X11, Lava A71 and the Lava A88. All of these three smartphones comes with 4G LTE support and priced at X11 – ₹7,999, A71 – ₹6,499 and A88 – ₹5,499.

Lava X11

This handset houses a quad core processor clocked at 1.5GHz (chipset unknown). X11 sports a 5 inch screen with HD resolution (720p) and the screen does come with CGG protection. Android 5.1.1 runs the show with 2GB RAM, 8GB ROM and external micro SD card support. This handset will get Marshmallow update.

Lava X11 is a dual SIM handset packed with an 8MP primary camera with flash and 5MP secondary camera with front flash. Key features are 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. A 2500 mAh battery powers up this handset. Lava X11 is priced at ₹7,999.

Lava X11, A71 and A88 launched

Lava A71

This handset is using Spreadtrum 9830 32 bit 1.5GHz quad core processor running Lollipop (upgradable to Marshmallow) over a 5 inch screen with HD resolution (screen comes with gorilla glass protection).

A71 is dual SIM handset packed with 1GB RAM, 8GB ROM and micro SD card support. A 5MP camera is placed on the rear with flash and a 2MP fixed focus on the front with front LED flash. Key features are 4G LTE, 3G, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth 4.0. A71 gets power from a 2500 mAh battery. It is priced at ₹6,499.

See also  Lava Xolo A1000 Jelly Bean powered smartphone with 5 inch screen coming soon

Lava A88

This is also 1.5GHz quad core powered (chipset unknown). This dual SIM handset is running Lollipop (will not get Marshmallow update). A88 comes with 512MB RAM, 4GB ROM and micro SD support. Screen is of size 5 inches supporting FWVGA (854 x 480 pixels) resolution.

There is a 5MP camera on the rear and a 2MP camera on the front. Both the front as well as the rear camera comes with LED flash support. Important features are 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi. A88 gets power from a 2000 mAh battery. Lava A88 is priced at ₹5,499.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -