Lava Mobiles has launched another low cost handset called the Lava KKT 16 which supports dual SIM (2 x GSM), comes with a bight 2 inch TFT screen but the main highlight is the Ultra Loud feature. With the Lava KKT 16 ultra loud phone you will never miss a call even in noisy environments.

Lava KKT 16 Features

  • Sports a big 2.0 inch QCIF High-brightness TFT screen for sharp picture quality. Remember this is a low cost phone so do not expect something extraordinary.
  • This handset comes with a powerful 1500 mAh Li-Ion battery so you can stay connected for a much longer time.
  • You can use 2 GSM cards (dual SIM) and most probably will have dual standby support (not sure about this).
  • This handset can play MP4, AVI and 3GP video formats and MP3, AMR, AAC, WAV and MIDI audio formats.
  • The Lava KKT 16 comes with USB port for data transferring.
  • There is a single 0.3 megapixel camera placed at the back but the quality is bad.
  • Other features are Bluetooth, WAP browser, microSD max 8 GB support, FM radio, FM recording, FM alarm, 3.5 mm jack, Auto call recording, Indian Calendar, Mobile Tracker, Privacy protection and LED torch.
See also  Lava Mobiles will launch a Jelly Bean 4.2 tablet for under Rs. 10000
Lava KKT 16 dual SIM features and Price in India
Lava KKT 16 dual SIM features and Price in India

Lava KKT 16 price in India

Current Price: Rs. 2,150 | Best Price: Rs. 2,000

The main advantage of Lava KKT 16 phone is the loud sound capabilities apart from that rest of the features are common. This phone is basically for people who work in noisy environments and often miss calls and cannot afford high end phones that come with vibration alert.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -