Lava Mobiles have launched another tablet, the slim and sleek IvoryS that houses a dual core processor, supports 3G with voice calling and comes with a price tag of under Rs. 9K, Rs. 8,499 to be precise.

The Lava IvoryS is powered by dual core MT8312 MediaTek processor with Mali 400 GPU. The CPU is clocked at 1.3GHz and the GPU at 416MHz. This tablet is perfect for on the move entertainment, gaming and browsing.

Tablet weight with battery is 300 grams and thickness is 9.8mm. It runs on Android 4.2 with 1GB DDR3 RAM and 4GB storage. There are dual SIM slot and a micro SD card slot that supports 32GB external cards.

This dual SIM tab (3G+2G) supports full phone functionality. TFT LCD touch screen is 7 inches supporting 1024 x 600 pixels resolution. There is 3.2MP rear camera and a VGA front camera. Rear camera is with flash support.

dual SIM dual core tablet the Lava IvoryS

Key features are 3G, 2G(EDGE/GPRS), Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. I am not sure if there is GPS as the same was not mentioned in the press release. This tablet comes with a low battery mAh capacity – 2800 mAh but the company claims that it will provide 200 hours of standby and up to 8 hours of talk-time on a single charge.

See also  Celkon Octa 510 1.4GHz Octa Core smartphone for Rs. 9K

The Lava IvoryS 3G calling tablet will hit the stores soon for Rs. 8,499.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -