Lava Mobiles has launched two new handsets in the Atom series the Lava Iris Atom for ₹4,249 and the Lava Iris Atom 3 for ₹4,899. Both these handsets are powered by quad core processor with 3G support.

Lava Iris Atom is a dual SIM handset using a 1.3GHz quad core processor. This smartphone sports a 4 inch screen with 800 x 480 pixels resolution and is running Lollipop 5.1 with 512MB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB micro SD card support.

A 5MP camera is on the rear with LED support and a 0.3MP camera on the front. Key features are 3G, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. Iris Atom gets power from a 1550 mAh battery, this handset is priced at ₹4,249.

Lava Iris Atom and Atom 3 launched

The Lava Iris Atom 3 is also 1.3GHz quad core powered but sporting a 5 inch screen with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. This handset is running Lollipop with 512MB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB external card support.

A 5MP camera is packed on the rear and a 2MP on the front. Key features are 3G, 2G, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. Iris Atom 3 gets power from a 2000 mAh battery. This dual SIM smartphone is priced at ₹4,899.

See also  Xolo Q2000 and Xolo Q600 android smartphones leaked

Strange, suddenly we are seeing a lot of companies launching 3G enabled handsets!

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -