At a press meet in Delhi on 15th June, Lava Mobiles had announced the Lava Iris 504q, a quad core handset with HD screen, 8MP camera, 2000 mAh battery and with gesture control for Rs. 13,499.

The handset MRP price is 13,499 and probably we could see the price dropping a little bit. Its powered by the same MT6589 hardware that we have seen on many other handsets, however there are certain features that make the Lava Iris 504q unique like the 8.4mm thickness and gesture control.

The gesture control is not that exciting as it makes use of proximity sensors. The proximity sensor can recognize obstacle and really cannot determine the direction. This means that the gesture control is unidirectional, so if you are viewing images you can use the sensor to move to next image, but you cannot use it to move to the previous image.

The Iris 504q comes with 5 inch OGS screen with HD resolution and is powered by MT6589 chipset with PowerVR SGX GPU. The camera is with BSI sensor (8MP resolution) and a front camera of 2MP resolution. The handset is pretty slim and light weight.

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Lava Iris 504q

Lava Iris 504q key features and specifications

  • Dual SIM with dual Standby.
  • 1.2GHz quad core MediaTek MT6589 with PowerVR SGX 544 MP GPU.
  • Android 4.2.
  • 5 inch OGS IPS screen with 1280×720. (293.72ppi).
  • 1GB RAM, 4GB internal storage and micro SD card support (32GB).
  • 8MP rear AF camera with BSI sensor and LED flash. Front 2MP camera with native video calling support.
  • 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, micro USB and 3.5mm audio jack.
  • Super Slim (8.4mm), light weight, OTA support, OTG support and Gesture control (Unidirectional).
  • 2000 mAh battery.
  • Price Rs. 13,499 MRP. (via Amazon).
  • The box pack also includes intelligent flip cover and OTG cable.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -