Lava International has launched one more quad core handset the Lava Iris 458Q with an attractive price tag of Rs. 8,499. The Iris 458Q sports a 4.5 inch screen with FWVGA resolution and sails on the latest Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS.

Almost all of the quad core handsets that are being launched come loaded with the 4.2 Jelly Bean OS. The same goes for the 458Q. The handset comes with 512MB RAM which seems less but for the price its good enough and internal storage is 4GB.

458Q is powered by quad core processor clocked at 1.2GHz. The screen of 4.5 inches supports 854×480 pixels with 16M colors. The 458Q is 11.9mm thick. The chipset is not known but it could be MediaTek otherwise it would be a waste.

As for the camera there is an 8MP on the rear with LED flash and a VGA on the front. It is dual SIM handset that comes with a 2000 mAh battery with over 9 hours of talk time on a single charge.

This is a good budget quad core handset provided it is with the MediaTek processor. The Lava Iris 455 was with a dual core processor and now with quad core launched it makes sense to go with the 458Q version.

See also  Lava Xtron E-tab dual core 7 inch tab for Rs. 6499

Lava Iris 458q the power of four

Lava Iris 458Q key features and specifications

  • Dual SIM / Dual Standby (GSM+GSM).
  • 1.2GHz quad core (MediaTek MT6589 + PowerVR SGX GPU).
  • 512MB RAM, 4GB internal storage and micro SD support.
  • 4.5 inch TFT screen with 854×480 pixel resolution.
  • Android 4.2.
  • 8MP AF rear camera with flash + front VGA camera.
  • 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0, micro USB, 3.5mm jack and GPS with A-GPS support.
  • Sensors: Light, Proximity and G-sensors.
  • 2000 mAh battery.
  • Price Rs. 8,499 (via Infibeam).

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -