Lava mobiles have launched the Lava Iris 351 a low cost handset for a price of Rs. 3,899. The handset is listed on Flipkart and comes powered by single core 1GHz processor with a 3.5 inch display but without 3G support.

Lava Iris 501 handset that came powered by the same hardware as on the Micromax A110 is still available in the market and doing well. There are reports about a new handset called the iris 502 in the pipeline (no confirmation yet). The Lava Iris 351 is priced under Rs. 4,000 and target for low budget users.

The handset is low end but you also get a screen guard and 4GB micro SD card free within the box pack. The Iris 351 as mentioned is powered by a 1GHz single core processor with 256MB RAM and 110MB internal storage for apps. There is the micro SD card slot that supports card of up to 16GB.

The TFT touchscreen is 3.5 inches with 480×320 pixels resolution (260K colours). The handset is 11.8mm thick and sails on the Android 2.3.5 – Gingerbread OS. There is a single camera of 2MP fixed focus on the rear side.

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Only the 2G network (GPRS / EDGE [ Class 12]) is supported. Other features are Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 3, 3.5 mm jack and micro USB port. A standard battery of 1300 mAh capacity give a talktime of up to 3.5 hours and standby time of around 220 hours.

Lava Iris 351

Lava Iris 351 Key Features and Specifications

  • Dual SIM (GSM + GSM).
  • 1GHz single core processor (CPU / GPU unknown).
  • Android (Gingerbread) 2.3.5.
  • 256MB RAM, 110MB internal storage and Micro SD support 16GB.
  • 3.5 inch Touchscreen with 480×320 pixel resolution (HVGA) – 260K colours.
  • 2MP rear FF camera without LED flash.
  • 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS with A-GPS, Micro USB, 3.5mm jack and Bluetooth.
  • 1300 mAh battery with over 3 hours talktime and 220 hours standby time.
  • Price Rs. 3,899 (Buy from Flipkart).

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -