Lava mobiles has launched their first dual SIM tablet Lava E-Tab IVORY, that runs on Android 4.1 OS and supports 3G with voice calling. The E-Tab IVORY is priced at Rs. 10,199 and will hit the stores with few days.

The Lava E-Tab IVORY comes powered by MediaTek dual core processor with PowerVR SGX 531 Ultra GPU. The SGX 531 Ultra GPU is clocked at 500 MHz that should be good enough for gaming and overall performance.

The IVORY E-Tab sports a 7 inch screen with 1024×600 pixels resolution. You can use two SIM cards. 3G including voice call facility is supported. This tab comes with dual cameras of 2MP resolution that is placed on the rear and a 0.3 MP (VGA) resolution placed on the front.

Lava  IVORY dual core tablet with dual SIM slot

E-Tab IVORY 2MP camera

7 inch screen - Lava IVORY

Lava E-Tab IVORY is 10.8mm thick. Tabet also includes Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. Android 4.1 jelly Bean comes loaded with 4GB internal storage and 1GB RAM + MicroSD card support. The battery of 3000 mAh seems too less for this specification, however Lava has mentioned that the battery backup is about 5 hours on a full charge

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The IVORY Tab with dual SIM and 3G support coming soon for Rs. 10,199.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -