Kult has launched a new handset the Ambition in India and it comes for a price tag of Rs. 5,999. Here is the Kult Ambition unboxing video and first impression. This handset will go on sale from 11th December on Amazon.

Unboxing the Kult Ambition – Inside the box you will get the handset, 2600 mAh removable battery, user manual, data cable and travel charger – 5V / 1A. Specifications are mentioned on the box and the SAR Value : 0.929 Head and 0.873 body.

This handset is powered by MediaTek MT6737 quad core processor, body is made of metal, design is little bit different. Handset is comfortable to hold and use. Screen is 5 inch screen, an IPS screen with 2.5D curved glass and 720p resolution.

Kult Ambition unboxing

There is 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. Rear camera is 13MP and front camera is 5MP. Overall the handset looks good screen quality is good. 4G with VoLTE is supported. There is LED notification and OTG is supported.

Kult Ambition first impression and hands on

Wait for the full review to get a better idea. The price is good, RAM/ROM 3GB RAM / 32GB ROM is good but need to see how the hardware will perform.

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By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in