SPPL India’s leading manufacturer of TV’s and Electronics announced the launch of Kodak 55 inch 4K UHD Smart TV in India, this TV is priced at Rs. 43,990 and will be available exclusively on Flipkart. The smart TV is powered by dual core processor and is running Android 4.4.

Kodak 55 inch 4K UHD smart TV as mentioned is of 55 inch screen size with a 3840 x 2160 pixels resolution. Inside the hood it houses a dual core processor clocked at 1.4GHz, this is a 32 Bit SoC coupled with Mali T720 GPU. This smart TV is running Android Kitkat (version 4.4) with 1GB RAM and 8GB of internal storage space.

Like other smart TV’s this one also comes with WiFi, LAN connectivity and supports screen cast. Kodak 55 inch 4K TV comes with USB, HDMI, audio points, RJ45 port and 2x 8E10W speakers. There are standard, movie, sports, music and user sound modes.

Kodak 55 inch 4K smart TV launched

This Kodak 55 inch 4K Ultra High Definition Smart TV will be available on Flipkart for Rs. 43,990. For now the price on Flipkart is high but will reduce in coming days.

See also  Micromax 4K UHD TV starting from Rs. 39990

Update : Price is now 42,998.