Karbonn Mobiles launched a new handset called the Titanium Frames S7. This handset features a 5.5 inch screen with full HD resolution with 2.5D curved glass, no it is not with 18:9 aspect ratio. Other features are 3GB RAM, quad core powered and packed with 3000 mAh battery.

The Karbonn Titanium Frames S7 will be exclusively available on ShopClues for Rs. 6,999 in Red, Champagne and Black color options. Plus there is offers from Airtel – cashback over a period of 36 months i.e. is you recharge Rs. 199 for 18 months (on Airtel) you get Rs. 500 refund and after 36 months another Rs. 1,500 so in total Rs. 2000 refund / cashback – over a period of time.

Karbonn Titanium Frames S7 features and specifications

This is a dual SIM handset powered by a quad core processor. The chipset is not clearly mentioned. Android Nougat runs the show over a 5.5 inch 2.5D curved screen with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. There is 3GB RAM, 32GB ROM and 128GB micro SD card support.

Karbonn Titanium Frames S7

The camera on the back can shoot in 13MP resolution, and the front facing camera is also a 13MP shooter. Both front and rear cameras come with LED flash support. Key features are 4G, VoLTE, GPS, Bluetooth 4.1, FM radio and Wi-Fi.

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Karbonn Titanium Frames S7 gets power from a 3000 mAh battery and price in India is Rs. 6,999 – ShopClues Exclusive.