Jabra has launched the Halo Smart intelligent headphone in India with a price tag of Rs. 3,499. The Jabra Halo Smart Wireless intelligent stereo headphone is also water resistant. Another unique feature is that this headphone provides up to 14 hours of non-stop usage time.

Jabra Halo Smart Wireless stereo headphone features and specifications

This headphone is made for those who love listing to music on the move and also looking for great calling experience. The high quality microphone comes integrated with wind noise protection that enhanced voice capabilities and works really well with dedicated Google Now and Siri. In fact there is a dedicated button to activate Google Now and Siri.

The 10mm speakers deliver immersive experience. Jabra Halo Smart is IP54 certified – water resistant. This headphone makes use of Bluetooth 4.0 and comes with 230 mAh built in battery that as per the company gives up to 14 hours of entertainment time (listing to audio) or up to 17 hours of talk time.

Jabra Halo Smart Wireless stereo headphone launched in India

There is also the Jabra Assist app that can be used to receive alerts, notifications and battery usage – interesting thing is that based on your historical usage data the app will let you know when you will need to charge the headphone.

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Jabra Halo Smart will be available in top retail and online stores for Rs. 3,499.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in