iVooMi launched the i1 and the i1s handsets in India. These handsets will go on sale today at 12 Noon on Flipkart. This handset comes with a 18:9 aspect ratio screen and price starts from Rs. 5,999. Check the unboxing and first impression also watch the video.

iVooMi i1 Unboxing

Inside the box you will get the handset, screen guard, user manual, data cable and travel charger 5V/1A. SAR values as mentioned : 0.313 head and 0.396 body. This handset comes with removable back panel.

First Impression and hands on iVooMi i1

The iVooMi i1 handset does look premium on the first look. The body is made of plastic and the overall glossy body gives a unique look and feel to the handset. It’s with a curvy design and build and finishing is pretty good considering the price.

This handset features a 5.4 inch screen with 2.5D curved glass and with 18:9 aspect ratio. The resolution is 1280 x 640 pixels that is not really a HD+ resolution but you can call it a qHD+ resolution (slightly lower than the HD). The display quality, color reproduction and  touch response is pretty good.

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iVooMi i1 unboxing

The iVooMi i1 comes with 2x micro SIM slots and 1x micro SD card slot. 4G with VoLTE is supported. There no LED notification and OTG also did not work. Android Nougat runs out of the box with 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM, another variant the iVooMi i1s comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM.

This handset also includes a finger print sensor on the back that is slow, check the unboxing video. Inside the hood the i1 as well as the i1s is using MediaTek MT6737 quad core processor. There is 13MP + 2MP dual cameras on the rear and 8MP camera on the front.

iVooMi i1 is packed with 3 sensors accelerometer, proximity and light.  A 3000 mAh battery powers this handset.

Just to give you an idea the dual cameras do not work like a dual camera should, outdoor shots turned out great – the camera quality looks like average. Full review coming soon.

iVooMi i1 first impression

The iVooMi i1 and i1s will go on sale today at 12 Noon on Flipkart – price of i1 is Rs. 5,999 with 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM and the price of i1s is Rs. 6,999 with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM.

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The launch day offer that says flat Rs. 1,500 off on i1 (Rs. 7,499 – Rs. 1,500 = Rs. 5,999) and flat Rs. 2000 (Rs. 8,999 – Rs. 2000 = Rs. 6,999) off on i1s.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in