The older version of Apple iPhone (released in 2009), the iPhone 3GS is now available for Rs. 9,999 from Aircel. The same handset was selling for Rs. 19,999. Now before you jump in with excitement and probably thinking of owning the Apple iPhone do check out the specifications.

Aircel is selling the iPhone 3GS for just Rs. 9,999 and their subscribers can also get unlimited 3G data access for 12 months by paying additional amount of Rs. 3K. However the good news is that the handset is factory unlocked, so you can use it with any other SIM cards.

Let’s have a look at the specifications.  I am sure after that you will find that the cost is still too high and for the same amount you can get a better handset with better features from other brands.

The Apple iPhone 3GS sports a 320×480 pixels resolution over a 3.5 inch touchscreen display. It houses the Cortex A8 processor capable of running at 800 MHz, however it’s made to work at 600MHz (under-clocked). The GPU is PowerVR SGX535.

Aircel iPhone 3gs offer

The RAM is 256MB with 8GB internal storage. There is a 3.15 MP camera which clicks really good quality pictures. Another advantage of buying the iPhone 3GS is that it can be upgraded to the latest iOS 6 (to be released in 2012). Other features are Wi-Fi, GPS, bluetooth and access to app store.

See also  Apple iPhone 4S pre-orders start from 18 November in India

Other options to look for? Spice Mi-425 or Karbonn A9, or wait for Karbonn A24. Do check the terms and conditions for the iPhone 3GS on Aircel website.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -