Huawei launched the Honor Play 5X a snapdragon 615 64 bit octa core powered smartphone running Lollipop for RMB 999 (approx ₹10,200) with 2GB RAM and RMB 1399 (approx ₹14,300) with 3GB RAM. This handset has been launched in China and comes with finger print scanner too.

The Huawei Honor Play 5X is a dual SIM handset that houses the well known qualcomm snapdragon 615 MSM8939 64 bit octa core processor. The CPU is clocked at 1.5GHz and is using Adreno 405 GPU. This handset sports a 5.5 inch IPS screen supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution.

EMUI 3.1 runs the show based on Android Lollipop 5.1 with optional 2GB or 3GB RAM and 16GB of internal storage space. This smartphone also comes with micro SD card slot to add up to 128GB external cards.

Octa Core powered Huawei Honor Play 5X launched in China

When it comes to camera there is a 5MP fixed focus camera on the front with wide angle lens for wider selfies and a 13MP primary camera with LED flash. Handset weight with battery is 158 grams and thickness is 8.15mm. Key features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, finger print scanner, Bluetooth 4.1 and WiFi.

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Huawei Honor Play 5X houses a 3000 mAh non-removable battery. No word about if this will be made available in India.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -