Huawei is gearing up to launch the Honor 8 Pro variant in India, pretty soon. The Honor 8 price has dropped and now selling for Rs. 17,399. Honor 8 Pro will also come with dual cameras and with improved specifications.

The Honor 8 that was launched for Rs. 29,999 is now priced at Rs. 17,399 – a good buy for the price, in fact an excellent buy with awesome dual camera setup on the back, unfortunately it is a single SIM handset.

The Honor 8 Pro will feature a 5.7 inch screen with 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution. It will be Kirin 960 octa core powered packed with 6GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage space. Unlike the Honor 8 this Honor 8 Pro will come with dual Hybrid SIM slots with VoLTE support.

As for other features the Pro will run Android Nougat out of the box, front camera will be a 8MP shooter and on the rear you will find 12MP + 12MP dual cameras with laser AF and 4K video recording capabilities.

Honor 8 Pro coming soon in India

With dual camera setup the 8 Pro will also be able to shoot DSLR type photos with Bokeh effects. This yet to be launched handset will be using a 4000 mAh non-removable battery.

See also  Honor Band A2 launched, price in India is Rs. 2,499

As for the price nothing official yet, but it could be priced under Rs. 40,000.