Huawei today launched the Honor 8 handset in India. Key highlight about the Honor 8 handset is the 12MP dual cameras on the back, 4G LTE support and 4GB RAM. This handset comes packed with 3000 mAh battery and price in India is Rs. 29,999.

Huawei Honor 8 features and specifications

Honor 8 sports a 5.2 inch screen with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. There is 2.5D curved glass on the front as well as on the back; this glass is scratch resistant to some extent. Inside, the handset houses the 64 bit HiSilicon Kirin 950 chipset with Mali T880 GPU. CPU is clocked at 2.3GHz.

Android Marshmallow with EMUI 4.1 runs out of the box with 4GB RAM and 32GB ROM. This is a single SIM handset, you can use micro SD card of up to 128GB. On the back there are two camera of 12MP resolution each. One camera shoots in RGB mode and other in Monochrome mode and merges the image with impressive results. Front camera can shoot in 8MP resolution.

honor 8 launched in india

The handset can shoot 1080p videos and the Wide Aperture mode helps you shoot first and focus later. The Wide aperture shots are as good as captured by a DSLR camera.

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Other features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, NFC, Infrared port and Bluetooth. A 3000 mAh battery powers up the Honor 8.

Honor 8 price in India

The price in India is Rs. 29,999.

Huawei also launched the honor 8 smart and honor holly 3, holly 3 will be the first made in India handset.

honor 8 Smart 19,999. Holly 3 will cost Rs. 9,999.


By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -