Huawei today launched the Honor 4X and the Honor 6 Plus in India. The Honor 6 Plus (upgraded Honor 6) is priced at Rs. 26,499 and the Honor 4X is priced at Rs. 10,499. Honor 4X is powered by snapdragon 410 quad core processor and the 6 Plus is using Hisilicon Kirin 925 octa core processor.

On the hardware front the 4X as mentioned is powered by 1.2GHz qualcomm snapdragon 410 quad core MSM8916 processor running EMUI 3.0 based on android 4.4. This is a dual SIM handset with 2GB RAM, 8GB storage and external card support. 4X sports a 5.5 inch screen with 720p resolution.

Also included – a 13MP rear AF camera with flash and 5MP front camera. Key features are 4G, 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. The handset gets power from a 3000 mAh battery. Huawei Honor 4X is priced at Rs. 10,490.

The Honor 6 Plus also sports a 5.5 inch screen, its LTPS display with 10 point multi touch support and sporting full HD resolution (1080p). This handset is using Hisilicon Kirin 925 octa core processor (1.8GHz quad core + 1.3GHz quad core) with Mali T628-MP4 GPU. It is running Emotion UI 3.0 based on android KitKat 4.4. There is 3GB RAM and optional 16/32GB storage plus up to 128GB external micro SD card support.

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Huawei honor 4x and huawei honor 6 plus launched in India

A unique dual 8MP auto focus camera with F2.0 aperture and with dual LED flash is packed on the rear and there is an 8MP AF camera on the front with F2.4 aperture. Weight is 165 grams and thickness is 7.5mm. Key features are 4G (cat 6), 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, NFC, GPS, Bluetooth and IR.

Huawei Honor 6 Plus gets power from a 3600 mAh battery and priced at Rs. 26,499. Both these handsets will be available on Flipkart.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -