Huawei has launched the Honor 5C in the Indian markets for Rs. 10,999. This handset is powered by HiSilicon Kirin 650 octa core processor and supports 4G LTE. Other highlight is it does come with finger print sensor and houses a 3000 mAh battery.

Honor 5C features and specifications

Display and Processor

Huawei Honor 5C sports a 5.2 inch IPS screen supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. This handset houses the Huawei HiSilicon Kirin 650 octa core chipset clocked at 1.7GHz coupled with Mali T830 GPU.

Memory, Storage and OS

When it comes to memory and storage there is 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM. Micro SD card can also be used to expand the storage space.

Android Marshmallow version 6.0 with Emotion UI 4.1 runs out of the box.

honor 5c price in India is Rs. 10,999

Honor 5C Camera

On the back there is a 13MP AF camera using f/2.0 aperture and LED flash support. Front camera is also f/2.0 aperture and comes with 8MP resolution. This handset can shoot Full HD videos.

Additional features

4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, FM radio, finger print sensor (0.5s) on the back, Bluetooth 4.1 and WiFi (b/g/n).  Sensors : magnetic, accelerometer, proximity.

See also  Intex Aqua S2 3G handset with FP sensor launched for Rs. 4990

Honor 5C Battery

There is a 3000 mAh non-removable battery that should easily last for 24 hours or up to 36 hours depending on usage.

Huawei Honor 5C price in India

It’s price is Rs. 10,999 available in Gold, Silver and Black colour options. Honor 5C will be available exclusivity on Flipkart, registrations will begin today and sale will be on 30th June.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -