Huawei Mobiles had launched the Huawei Honor 3X and Honor 3C dual SIM handsets a few days back. The 3X comes with 5.5 inch screen whereas the 3C is with a 5 inch screen. These handset may soon be available in the Indian market – price unknown.

The Huawei Honor 3X sports a 5.5 inch screen (IPS) supporting 1280x720p resolution. It is powered by MT6592 octa core chipset clocked at 1.7GHz. The Honor 3X runs on Android 4.2 with 2GB RAM. Internal storage space is not known but external card of up to 64GB is supported.

There is 13MP camera with LED flash placed on the rear plus a 5MP front facing camera. Key features are 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. Battery is of 3000 mAh (Li-ion) capacity.

Huawei Honor 3X is available in China for approx $280.

Huawei Honor 3X and Huawei Honor 3C

The Huawei Honor 3C is a low cost version. It comes powered by quad core MT6582 clocked at 1.2GHz. The screen is 5 inches supporting 1280x720p resolution. The Honor 3C runs on Android 4.2 with 2GB/1GB RAM, 8GB internal storage and does come with micro SD card slot. There is 8MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS is supported.

See also  Huawei Mate 10 launched, dual cameras, priced USD 825

The Huawei Honor 3C comes with optional 1GB or 2GB RAM and priced accordingly. 1GB RAM for $189 and handset with 2GB RAM will cost extra.

By Rajeev Rana

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