Huawei Ascend G700 is listed on Flipkart for a price tag of Rs. 16,199. This dual SIM handset houses the 1.2GHz MediaTek quad core processor running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS over a 5 inch screen with HD resolution and with 2GB RAM.

Ascend G700 is with the same popular and well known MT6589 chipset clocked at 1.2GHz with PowerVR SGX 544MP GPU. Most of you are already aware of this chipset; we have already seen it being used on many other handsets that are available in the Indian market.

What makes the Huawei Ascend G700 unique is the Emotion 1.6 user interface and 2GB RAM with 8GB on board storage. The IPS capacitive touch screen of 5 inches is with 1280×720 pixels resolution. Like on other MT6589 smartphones this one too comes with 8MP rear AF camera and 1.3MP front camera. Full HD video recording (1920x1080p) and playback is supported.

Ascend G700 weighs about 155 grams with an 8.95mm thickness. Other key features are 3G (21Mbps), 2G (Class 12), Wi-Fi (b/g/n), GPS with A-GPS, DLNA and Bluetooth version 4.0. There is proximity, light and G-sensors.

See also  Huawei Ascent Mate the 6.1 inch android phone with quad core processor

1.2GHz quad core Huawei Ascend G700

Removable battery is of a 2150 mAh capacity. If you look at the Lava Iris 504q and the Micromax Canvas HD A116 and compared it with the Ascend G700 the only difference is the 2GB RAM and 8GB storage. The 504q and the A116 are priced at around Rs. 13,000 to 14,000. Will user buy the G700 for the additional 1GB RAM (total 2GB) and 4GB (total 8GB) storage for Rs. 16,199 (via flipkart)?

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -