Huawei has launched three new mobiles in the Indian Markets. The Huawei Ascend G6, Ascend G750 and the Honor 3C will hit the stores soon for a price tag of Rs. 16999, Rs. 24999 and Rs. 14999.

The Honor 3C is the cheapest of the lot and comes powered by MT6582 quad core chipset clocked at 1.3GHz with Mali 400 GPU. The screen is 5 inches with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. This dual SIM handset comes with 2GB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB external card support.

The Honor 3C will also include an 8MP rear AF camera with LED flash and a 5MP on the front. Android 4.2 will be running with Emotion user interface. Other features are 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. The 3C comes with 2300 mAh battery. Huawei Honor 3C price will be Rs. 14,999. It will be competing with Huawei Ascend G730.

The Ascend G6 houses a different chipset – it’s Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 quad core clocked at 1.2GHz. The screen is of a smaller size – 4.5 inches with qHD resolution. This handset sails on Android 4.3 with Emotion UI.

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Huawei Ascend G6 and Ascend G750 launched in India

The G6 comes with 1GB RAM, 4GB storage and 32GB external card support. There is 5MP front camera and 8MP rear camera. Important features are 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. It is loaded with a battery of 2000 mAh capacity. Huawei Ascend G6 is priced at Rs. 16,999.

Last but not the least the Ascend G750 sports a 5.5 inch screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. This handset runs on Android 4.2 + Emotion UI with 2GB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB micro SD card support.

The G750 houses the MediaTek Octa core processor with Mali 450 GPU. The octa core chipset is clocked at 1.7GHz. Also included is a 13MP auto focus camera on the rear with LED flash and 5MP on the front. Key features are 3G, Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi. The handset comes with a 3000 mAh battery. Huawei Ascend G750 is priced at Rs. 24,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -