Honor launched the Play in India. This handset is also powered by Kirin 970 octa core processor and packed with 3750 mAh battery, plus comes with Notch style display. Honor Play price in India is Rs. 19,999 4GB/64GB and Rs. 23,999 (6GB/64GB) available on Amazon.

Honor Play is using a hybrid slot, you can use 2x SIM or 1x SIM + micro SD card. Screen is 6.3 inches with 2340 x 1080 pixels (FHD+) resolution, its IPS LCD screen with 19.5:9 aspect ratio. EMUI 8 runs out of the box based on Android Oreo (Android 8.1).

Inside the hood there is the Kirin 970 octa core processor with Mali G72 MP12 GPU, this is AI powered and also supports GPU Turbo that enhances gaming performance. Weight with battery is 176 grams and thickness is 7.5mm.

honor play price

There is 4GB RAM, 64GB ROM and 6GB RAM and 64GB ROM. On the rear there is 16MP + 2MP dual cameras and on the front you will find a 16MP selfie single camera. Honor Play can shoot 4K videos. As for security there is finger print sensor on the rear and face unlock.

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Other features are dual VoLTE, 4G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. A 3750 mAh battery powers this handset.

Price is Rs. 19,999 4GB/64GB and Rs. 23,999 (6GB/64GB) available on Amazon – https://amzn.to/2M290Vu

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in