Honor 7X was launched in India and was available from 7th December (yesterday) from Rs. 12,999. I bought this from Amazon, with available offers I got it for Rs. 11,800 (approx). The 7X was delivered today, and here is the Honor 7X unboxing and first impression.

Inside the box you will get the 7X, user manual, warranty card, data cable (USB to micro USB), silicon case for protection and travel charger 5V/2A. The SAR value was also mentioned – 1.23W/kg. Most of the specifications are clearly mentioned on the box.

For the price of Rs. 12,999 the Honor 7X looks great, it has got a premium look, looks royal in fact from every angle (check video). The dual cameras on the back are slightly out and they are designed to look good. There is finger print sensor too on the back.

Honor 7X unboxing

7X is Kirin 659 octa core powered. It’s using a metal body, blue looks cool. Handset weight is 165 grams, comfortable to hold and use. Screen is 5.93 inches but does not feel like, thanks to 18:9 aspect ratio. The 2.5D curved glass enhances the looks. Screen resolution is 2160 x 1080 pixels also called FULL HD+ resolution.

See also  Honor 9X unboxing and first impression - Kirin 710F, special offers

Honor 7X first impression

Color reproduction, viewing angles are great, touch is very smooth and responsive. There is LED notification, 4G with VoLTE is supported and so is OTG – you can connect external Pendrive.

I did use the camera 16MP + 2MP on the back (dual cameras) and 8MP on the front. Camera quality is not that happening as I expected, too early to conclude, wait for  the full review coming up tomorrow, same time at 8PM.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in