Honor today launched the 6X in India. The Honor 6X is octa core powered using HiSilicon Chipset and comes with 2 cameras on the back. This handset also supports wide aperture mode as seen on the Honor 8.

Honor 6X is another handset with dual cameras, as mentioned the dual camera trend is slowing catching up. In fact yesterday Vivo launched the Vivo V5 Plus with dual cameras on the front. The 6X is using 64 bit Kirin 655 chipset with Mali T830 GPU.

This handset is packed with 3GB/4GB RAM, 32GB/64GB ROM and users if need be can use external micro SD card support. Screen is 5.5 inches 2.5D curved glass supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. Reliance Jio SIM will work as the 6X supports 4G with VoLTE.

Honor 6X launched in India

There are two cameras on the back, a 12MP + 2MP. These cameras when used with wide aperture mode can capture really impressive shots and that is what makes these handsets unique. Honor 6X can shoot FHD videos.

Other features are 4G LTE, VoLTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. A finger print sensor is present on the back.

See also  Honor 8 Pro review - the worthy OnePlus 5 competitor

Honor 6X price in India

Honor 6X is priced at Rs. 12,999 for 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. And Rs. 15,999 for 4GB and 64GB ROM.

This is Amazon exclusive. Sale on 2nd Feb.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in