Huawei unveiled the Honor 6x at CES 2017. This handset will be launched in India pretty soon. Honor 6x comes with dual cameras on the back and it will come with an affordable price tag. Here is the first impression with unboxing video.

Honor 6x is packed inside a metal body. It is a dual SIM handset with 4G LTE support with VOLTE. 6x sports a 5.5 inch screen with 1080p resolution. Inside the hood it houses the Kirin 655 octa core processor (64 bit) coupled with Mali T830 GPU.

There is 4GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage space, plus micro SD card support. There are two cameras on the back a 13MP + 2MP. Front camera is 8MP. The dual cameras on the back can shoot near DSLR type images, similar to as seen on the Honor 8.

Honor 6x unveiled at CES 2017

Honor 6x houses a 3340 mAh battery. The 6x price in U.S. is $249.99 (approx Rs. 17K) this one is with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. I guess in India the company might launch both 3GB / 32GB and 4GB / 64GB variant price could be under Rs. 20,000.

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Honor 6x 5.5 inch full HD screen

Build quality is good, camera looks promising – you can say this is a cheaper variant of Honor 8 with dual cameras, design is lot different. Honor 8 is more premium and this one more affordable.

Honor 6x dual cameras on back

Honor 6x is expected to launch in India this month (January 2017).

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -