There are some really cool offers going on Gearbest website. You will find a lot of unique gadgets that are not available in India that too at a discounted price. Its huge and will go on for few day so do check out.

Gearbest is an international site and you can find lot of interesting products there at a very good price tag. But do note that if the product value is high then it will attract custom duty. You need to be careful on that part.

On Gearbest Autumn Bumper Harvest there are games you can play and win prizes, flash deals, Group Share Deals, Lucky Bags, Just pay $1.99 add-ons, Bumper Brand Bargains, Deal Harvest and deals category wise.

Great offers on Gearbest

Tips on buying products from GearBest

Since this is international site you need to import products into India and it will attract custom duty for high end products.  Here are some tips for buying from Gearbest site.

  1. Avoid buying product that is available in India, even if it is cheap it will attract custom duty and you will end up paying more than what you would have paid had you bought from India.
  2. Avoid buying a smartphone, but you can if you don’t mind paying the custom duty, better go for DHL or FeDEX shipping when buying smartphone, tablets, laptops (high value products price over 200 USD), do not use EMS / free shipping for such high value products.
  3. For products that are smaller in size and priced under $30 you can opt for free shipping but if there is priority line shipping option then use that.
  4. If you are planning to buy a smaller device that is pricey example a action camera, power bank, premium quality portable speaker or a gadget that is not a smartphone (mini PC) etc., you can opt for priority line shipping in 99% cases you will not be paying any custom duty when using priority line shipping (don’t use it for shipping smartphone).
  5. Priority line shipping at times is free and at times comes with a minimal charge. Also note this Priority line shipping is very fast, faster than free / EMS shipping however it is only available if warehouse location is from China, if it is from Hong Kong you will not get that option.
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So hope these tips will help you get a good gadget from Gearbest.

Jump on to Gearbest and look at their offers, if you find anything interesting leave a message below.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -