Do you remember searching with Google Gravity effects?, then it was the what is my IP? Well now there is something new called the barrel roll effect.  But before we go any further what is barrel roll? This is a complete rotational move that combat aircraft make while maintaining the original path.

Now Google Search does that for you. All you need to do is launch the Google search and type the keywords “do a barrel roll”. Google will then do a barrel roll and show you the results.  To view this effect you need a compatible HTML5 browser. Try using the latest Chrome browser; I did not see the effect on my Firefox or the internet explorer browser.

The main objective for creating a do a barrel roll effect is to show the real power of the latest CSS3 and what future browsers (HTML5) are capable of.  Try it this is a fun.

How to do a barrel roll on using Chrome

  • Open the latest Google chrome browser.
  • Type URL, in case you aren’t already on the Google search page.
  • In the search field type do a barrel roll, wait or press the search icon or hit enter and watch the action.
  • The effect works only once so if you want to see the action again, you need to retype in the URL field and start all over again.
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do a barrel roll  effect on google search (Chrome Browser)
do a barrel roll effect on google search (Chrome Browser)

And just in case if you have the time and have not checked the Google Gravity effects, yet, do so now.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -