Google has launched the Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3 XL smartphone and the price of Pixel 3 64 GB in India is Rs. 71,000, 128GB is Rs. 80,000 and the Pixel 3 XL price in India is Rs. 83,000 and 128GB is Rs. 92,000. You can preorder the same from Flipkart from 11th October.

Google Pixel 3 and 3 XL features and specifications

Both these handsets are powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 octa core processor. The Pixel 3 features a 5.5 inch OLED screen with 2160 x 1080 pixels resolution, 18:9 aspect ratio, HDR support and protected with Gorilla Glass 5. On the other hand the Pixel 3 XL also supports HDR, comes with Gorilla Glass 5 protection but screen is 6.3 inches with 18.5:9 aspect ratio and 2880 x 1440 pixels resolution.

Android Pie runs out of the box, with 4GB/64GB/128GB RAM / ROM options. There is finger print sensor and active edge. This handset is IP68 certified that makes it dust and water resistant. There are 3 mics and front firing stereo speakers.

Coming to the camera on the rear there is a 12.2 MP camera with f/1.8, EIS, 4K recording, slowmo at 240 fps and front camera is 8MP also with f/1.8 aperture.

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Pixel 3 comes with 2915 mAh battery whereas the Pixel 3 XL variant comes with 3430 mAh battery.

So here is the Google Pixel 3 / 3 XL price in India

Pixel 3 (64GB) Rs. 71,000
Pixel 3 (128GB) Rs. 80,000
Pixel 3 XL (64GB) Rs. 83,000
Pixel 3 XL (128GB) Rs. 92,000

You can pre-order the Pixel 3 / 3 XL here –

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -