Gionee has silently launched the Marathon M3 smartphone that comes powered by quad core processor and houses a 5000 mAh battery. The handset is listed on official website, the price is not known but you can find the M3 on ebay selling for Rs. 13,999, the MOP price is Rs. 12,999.

The Gionee Marathon M3 (better than the Gionee M2) is a quad band smartphone with 3G support. It is 10.4mm thick and weight without the battery is about 180 grams. This dual SIM handset is powered by 1.3GHz quad core processor (cortex A7) MediaTek MT6582 coupled with Mali 400 MP2 GPU. Handset runs KitKat 4.4.2 with Amigo UI over a 5 inch OGS IPS screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution.

There is 1GB RAM, 8GB internal storage and micro SD card slot that can house external cards of up to 128GB. The M3 comes with dual cameras an 8MP auto focus on the rear and 2MP on the front. Key features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth 4.0.

There is accelerometer, proximity, light and magnetic sensor. Now coming to the battery – it is a massive one with a 5000 mAh capacity. As per the company the talk time is about 30 hours on 3G and about 50 hours on 2G networks. Standby time is about 32 days.

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Gionee Marathon M3 quad core with 5000 mAh battery

The Gionee Marathon M3 is now available on for Rs. 13,999. The MOP price is Rs. 12,999.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -