There is a 11.11 sale on GearBest website. You will great deals, offers, you can also play games and win Gifts and Coupons. Plus watch out for the good discounts on many products. Before you shop make sure to read this article.

Anything you order from GearBest website will be shipped from China, so you might need to pay custom duty on the products you buy. However for low cost products / light weight products you can get it without any custom duty.

Avoid other shipping methods and if you see priority line shipping better use that, at times this priority line shipping option is available for free and at times they charge a minimal amount. With priority line shipping chances are very high that you will get the product without custom duty, however you can order only some specific category via Priority line.

GearBest 11.11 offers

For example priority line option cannot ship smartphone, big items etc. Also avoid ordering big items like premium smartphones, laptops, tablets etc, and in case you want to, then choose DHL shipping option, do note you will need to pay custom duty for the products shipped via DHL, so use only for high value products.

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So now you know about the shipping options, you can jump on to this GearBest 11.11 page and check out the new coupon codes and get the best price, using coupon code you can also get up to 50% discount. There is exclusive treats for new buyers and cool add-ons.

If you find something interesting you can share that via a comment below.

By Sunil V